Parent/Student FAQs

How does this work?

  1. Select the tutor you like by doing a search and comparison
  2. Fill the online form to schedule the tutor, the form is next to the tutor’s detailed profile
  3. We will call/email you to confirm, within minutes to hours, the tutors availability
  4. Tutor will come and meet you and deliver the services, at the agreed upon location and time
  5. You pay the tutor after the services are delivered
  6. You inform us of the progress and of any issue with the tutor

What is the best way of entering tutoring test or subject name in the search box?

Enter as few key words as possible for best search results. Below are some examples:

You Want You’d Enter As
SAT test SAT
SAT Subject test Math L1 SAT Subject Math
AP Chemistry exam AP Chemistry
Math subjects at Lower School level Math Lower School (don’t enter “Mathematics” for “Math”)
Math subjects at Middle School level Math Middle School
Math subjects at High School level Math High School (don’t enter Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus, Calculus or Statistics)
Math subjects at College level Math College
Math subjects at Masters level Math Masters
Math subjects at PhD level Math PhD
Finance subjects at College level Finance College
Chemical Engineering subjects Engineering Chemical

Whom should I pay for the tutoring services?

You pay the tutor directly.

What forms of payment do you accept?

That depends on the tutor, most tutors take check, cash, paypal or direct deposit.

How is the tutor’s experience in years calculated?

The metric that we use is years since undergraduate degree.

Do you perform background checks on the tutors using third party agency?

No. We plan to add this feature as an option in the future for a fee.

Where are tutoring sessions held?

The meetings can be at your home, school or nearest coffee shop, bookstore or library. You tell us which is the best location for you and we will try to arrange that.

Are there any travel charges?

If the tutor needs to travel long distance, he/she may request travel charges, this will be specified in the scheduling agreement.

What if I paid money and I don’t like the tutor?

Like in any other thing, we recommend committing to a long term relationship only after making sure that there is a good fit between your child and the tutor.

How should I select a tutor?

You can select tutors based on factors that are of important to you, like hourly rate, years of experience, highest degree or degree university. For your convenience, you can sort the search results using any of the above factors.

Are there any safety precautions that I need to take?

It is must that an adult be present on the premise if the tutoring is being held at home with a minor.




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