Why We Fear Exams?

As someone who stresses constantly about exams and went through the system completely, I personally know that there are many reasons why we (children and adults) fear exams. In today’s society, you are valued off your test results, they are all that seem to matter if you want to have a good life, a good job, etc. There is always this constant fear that if you mess up this one exam, it will impact your future and that is it for you, you have ruined it for yourself. Also, the unknown is something that constantly scares you; exams are something that you can have little control over, you only have a brief idea of what to expect. Pressure is definitely another main factor, you’re scared you’re not going to do well as usual, or you are desperate to get better. If not then you feel like not only you have let yourself down, but you have disappointed everyone around you! Exams are taken extremely seriously in all circles, and as a result have a serious impact.



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